Understanding and Treating Ear Infections in Pets
Ear infections are a common issue in pets, causing discomfort [...]
A Pet Owner’s Guide to Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) can pose a significant challenge for [...]
Signs of Worms in Dogs
Worms are sneaky parasites that can affect dogs of all [...]
Changes in Pet Hunger or Thirst: 6 Common Causes and Why They Matter
Your pet’s body works hard to maintain normal physiologic functioning, [...]
Allergic Reactions in Dogs
Humans aren’t the only species who experience hives, asthma, hay [...]
Canine Hip Dysplasia 101
What is canine hip dysplasia? Canine hip dysplasia is a [...]
Giardia Tutorial for Dog Owners
Giardia is a protozoan parasite that can infect many mammals, [...]
Keeping an Eye on the Kidneys: The Importance of Screening Tests for Your Pet
While you know the kidneys are important for urine production, [...]
Mythbusters: Pet Heat Safety Edition
Many misconceptions still exist about a pet’s ability to handle [...]
FAQs About Noise Aversion in Pets
Noise aversion in pets is more complicated than a simple [...]
Do’s and Don’ts of July Fourth Fun for Pets
When July Fourth, the biggest celebration of the summer, rolls [...]
FAQs About Stress in Cats
Cats are both predator and prey animals, meaning they constantly [...]
Itchy Pet Do’s and Don’ts
If your pet is constantly scratching, you likely want to [...]
How Annual Wellness Screenings Benefit Your Pet
Your pet’s health is valuable, and our Village Veterinary Hospital [...]
Heartworm in Pets: The Facts
Every time you visit the veterinarian, you’re bombarded with recommendations [...]
Feline Arthritis FAQs
While veterinarians have diagnosed canine arthritis for many years, until [...]
4 DIY Enrichment Toys for Cats and Dogs
Like people, pets can get bored, anxious, and depressed when [...]
How to Care for an Exotic Pet
Every pet is unique, and while some people prefer a [...]
The Why and When Behind Pet Dental Cleanings
Your pet’s dental health is as important as your own, [...]
The Diseases Pet Vaccines Help Prevent
Vaccines train your pet’s immune system to protect them against [...]
How to Avoid the Top 5 Pet Cold Safety Hazards
January is Washington’s coldest month, and although we don’t get [...]
Achieving Pet Health Goals with New Year’s Resolutions
Are you the type of person who likes to work [...]
By the Numbers: Pet Obesity and Weight Management
Pet obesity and weight management are enormous topics—pun intended—and pet [...]
Assessing Your Senior Pet’s Quality of Life
As pets age, they require more frequent care and attention. [...]
That’s Purr-fect—Keys to Keeping Your Indoor Cat Happy
Your indoor cat’s happiness is more than a mood—contented cats [...]