Did you know that most dogs are considered seniors when they hit seven? For cats, it’s around nine. Pets age much more rapidly than humans, which means diseases and illnesses progress more quickly as well.
Blood tests are one of the most important parts of a senior exam. These blood screenings—often referred to as a senior panel— monitor red and white blood cell counts and reveal how well the kidney, liver, pancreas, and thyroid are functioning. We may recommend a chest x-ray to ensure that the heart is a normal size and that there are no masses in the lungs.
One of the most common conditions seen in elder pets is osteoarthritis. General symptoms in dogs include limping, spinal issues like a hunch or a back that is sensitive to touch, tiredness, loss of muscle and constant licking, chewing or biting sensitive areas. In cats, the symptoms may be more subtle, but usually a reluctance to jump or leap up as before is a tell-tale sign. We can help your arthritic pet feel more comfortable utilizing a variety of treatments including medication and physical therapy.
To schedule a wellness exam for your senior pet, call us at 360-647-1980 or make an appointment online.